What kind of music do you like? It's a classic first date question that reveals so much about the person answering, but when ...
The newest Android operating system, Android 4.4 KitKat, has been unleashed with the arrival of the Nexus 5, and soon to be r ...
When life gets boring, you change it up. A little tweak in your schedule goes a long way in making your existence fresh again ...
Point-and-shoot cameras are practically extinct these days now that every new phone on the planet has a camera built right in ...
Like most new things, the Start Screen in Windows 8 has its adorers and detractors, but either way you slice it—it's here to ...
Normally, "restricted access" is something you despise. No one likes to be told they can't do something, especially when it c ...
Former Vice President Dick Cheney was so fearful of attacks, he had his heart defibrillator re-calibrated to block incoming w ...
When we're dead tired but need to stay awake, we humans can do many things to make the drowsiness go away, from taking a cold ...
Nerds get a bad rap most of the time, but on Halloween, everyone wants to be one. However, not everyone knows how to geek it ...
Old people are usually perceived as wise and enduring, whereas an old smartphone, like my iPhone 4, becomes the butt of a jok ...