I have been a fan of pirates ever since I downloaded my first movie on LimeWire. Wait, wrong pirates. I guess real pirates ar ...
The sensors in your mobile device are integral for gaming (try to beat my Temple Run 2 score), as well as many of the basic G ...

The bread at your local supermarket will most likely always be fresh, but how do you know which loaf is the freshest out of t ...

Google Chromecast is only 35 dollars. That's about 2 and a half drinks at a decent bar in Los Angeles. So, my roommates and I ...

You know that feeling when your cell phone gets stolen and you figure it is pretty much lost forever. You could've used one o ...

The folks over at Sony gave a little teaser of what could be, introducing Playstation Now at this year's CES event in Las Veg ...

You don't have to be Drake to realize that some friends are better than others. There are friends you know are only there for ...

Snapchat is like that very attractive girl at the bar that has one too many shots and ends up slobbering on the bouncer as sh ...

If you're a ladies man like me then this next tip could save you from sorely embarrassing yourself. Here's the problem: You t ...

We have shown you how to get CyanogenMod on your HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S3 in only a matter of minutes. But when modding ...