Changing the look and feel of an app's user interface can really make it more pleasurable. Popular apps like Facebook or Twit ...
Apple computers have long been maligned as the computer for Starbucks aficionados and graphic artists. "Dude, have you used E ...
No matter how careful or decent you are, there will always be pictures or videos that you want to keep private. They say a pi ...
We've always been able to switch between running apps pretty easily, but iOS 7 beefed up the multitasking menu significantly ...
Facebook makes it easy to show how much you appreciate a funny status, great picture, or cool news article using their iconic ...
Having instant access to monitoring your battery level is critical, especially when you're traveling or forget your charger a ...
If you haven't walked into a department store or seen one of those millions of jewelry commercials airing over the last month ...
There's one reason why most of us have a Samsung Galaxy S3—because we don't want an iPhone. Yes, there are some pretty cool t ...
No matter how cool my 3D live wallpaper is, or how often my Google Now wallpapers automatically change, I always want more ba ...
I'm a pretty nice person, so when someone asks me to take a group picture of their friends or family, I can't easily say "no, ...