When looking at weather applications and widgets, one major characteristic I look for is efficiency; something that will sepa ...

Many of our everyday apps include a menu tab or search bar, like Chrome and Twitter. In fact, a lot of times those are the fi ...

We're not always near our phone, so Pushbullet made it easy to get your phone's notifications straight to your computer, lik ...

DJ applications aren't anything new, but recently, algoriddim GmbH has teamed up with Spotify to open the floodgates for DJs— ...

Video games have come a long way over the last 30 years.In the late-'80s, Atari, Nintendo, and Sega were taking gaming from a ...

Normally, when you open applications on your Samsung Galaxy device, you do so from one of three places—your home screen, the ...

In a world where mobile devices are the new norm for interacting and staying in contact with one another, it's important to m ...

If you've followed our guide on unlocking KitKat's real full screen capability using the immersive mode mod, then your status ...

There's a lot of personal information residing on your phone, possibly even more than on your computer, so it's only a matter ...

When I first used the Google Now Launcher, I appreciated the transparency that came with it, and how it made the real look la ...