Since the days of Friendster and MySpace, social media platforms have taken leaps forward, revolutionizing how we live our li ...
Although sleep mode and screen savers contribute to the security and energy preservation of my MacBook, it can become a nuisa ...
Many reminder apps offer various bells and whistles that make them overly complicated to use when all you want to do is one o ...
Call it OCD if you will, but I make it a priority to have a clean Notification panel. Like a chalkboard that isn't wiped spot ...
The first thing most of us noticed after Apple announced plans for its wearable—the Apple Watch—was the importance and focus ...
Notifications sometimes come in bulk on Android—especially after booting up. While some of them are helpful or informative, m ...
Whether you're in a movie theater, driving, or just want to temporarily unplug from the grid, you need to ignore or completel ...
Coffee shops are a relaxing place to get work done on your laptop; there's free Wi-Fi, fresh coffee, and people generally lea ...
Since the release of the Galaxy S5 back in April, the process of converting older models, like the Galaxy S4, to replicate th ...
With the Power key located on the back of the device, LG included a convenient "double-tap to sleep" function in their G2 and ...