You no longer have to completely convert your default or primary system language to change the language of a single app on yo ...
Apple added the option to install custom fonts and use them in different apps on iOS 13. The rollout has been a bit confusing ...
Slack is meant for business, but it's inevitably used for personal reasons too, or even just to goof off with colleagues. How ...
Since iOS 7, your iPhone automatically updates all of your apps, which is a wonderful thing ... until it's not. Not only does ...
Slack's in-app web browser works fine, but it just doesn't offer the functionality and features that a dedicated browser such ...
By default, Slack optimizes the images you upload and send to other users in your workspace. Although optimization lowers the ...
Who needs a pen when you've got an iPhone? If you have a form, agreement, or contract that you need to quickly sign, you do i ...
You usually reply to emails on your own ... unless it's related to your work. You may want input from coworkers or higher-ups ...
As paper forms become a thing of the past, it's becoming commonplace to fill out contracts, rental agreements, waiver release ...
If you have devices that run different operating systems, you know how frustrating it is that Apple's Calendar app isn't avai ...