The first alarm clock in recorded history can be traced back to ancient Greek philosopher Plato, known for laying the foundat ...
YouTube is the third most popular website in the world, after Google and Facebook. Millions of subscriptions happen each day ...
A car is stolen every 33 seconds in the United States, and from that, the percentage of vehicles recovered in the first day i ...
If you've ever stumbled through Pinterest's boards, you'd know that Pinners have quite a penchant for aesthetically beautiful ...
YouTube is home to some of the most vile commenters on the internet—completely void of literacy, accuracy of facts, respect, ...
The long standing popularity of 4chan has been due to the entirely anonymous setup. The site's anonymous community and cultur ...
Google Play continues to grow faster than the iOS App Store and may even hit the million app mark before Apple does. In the A ...
Believe it or not, capturing a beautiful shot of a vehicle is more difficult than you think. Sure, you can just snap a photo, ...
Photobombing, the act of covert sabotage on a photographer and unsuspecting subject, can be a terror. This malicious and disi ...
Our attention spans have vastly shortened thanks to the Internet and our subsequent procurement of information from it at a r ...