The day before a 5K race can be an exercise in stress as you wonder what to eat and drink and when to do it, as well as about ...

Whether you're a World War 2 veteran (thank you), the next-of-kin of a vet, or a member of the general public, there are lots ...

The watermelon is an esthetically-pleasing fruit, but can be made even more so with some basic carving. Watch this video to l ...

If you live in a snowy area then you probably know all too well the annoyance of having ice and snow build up on your windshi ...

In this economy almost no one world-wide is working up to their potential. If you're in the position of having to apply for a ...

Bay Rum is one of the most sought-after varieties of aftershave, and is usually made via a complex process requiring much equ ...

Face paint is great fun for kids most of the time and for sports fans on gameday, but who wants to buy so esoteric a product? ...

Salmon is not something that springs readily to mind when thinking about Indian food, but you could submerge just about anyth ...

Glue is one of the worst things that you can get on your clothes. It sticks to most things and fabric is no exception. Watch ...

Orchids are some of the most beautiful flowers that you can own, but they are tropical and if you live somewhere with bad win ...