In this video clip series our fashion and cosmetology expert Casey Christensen will show you not only how to get some cool st ...
Angie Yarid is going to explain how to perform diamond microdermabrasion. Diamond microdermabrasion is a type of exfoliating ...
This video series is going to teach you the basic of the hula dance starting with a dancde called the vent. ...
Does this sound difficult? It probably does to most people. Don't feel overwhelmed. Iin this step by step video series it wil ...
Paint Shop Pro is a program to edit video and photos. It is a basic PC program. Mike Purdy has been using Paint Shop Pro 7 as ...
In this acrylic painting tutorial, learn the basics of how to paint, with acrylic painting tips and techniques for beginners, ...
Learn the jive is one of the fast American dances. It looks like swing or boogie woogie but jive is a little bit faster. ...
In this series of expert video clips, you will learn more about the fun and exciting hobby of hacky sack. Our hacky sack expe ...
Have you ever been at dinner when the conversation comes to a screeching halt? What do you talk about now? How about a few ma ...
In this video series you will learn rules and information on how to play backgammon or how to improve your game if you alread ...